Sunday, November 15, 2009

Someone Like A Rabbit

I know someone like a rabbit
Afraid, and move, who knows of what
And move, twitch, move, freeze
Twitch, move, never never never

Stay, except on the move, and move
Freeze, and move.

I tried to ask her
Why she is so afraid
Twitch, and she's gone
Camouflaged, freeze and move

Corner, catch, squeak, dash
Freeze, move

I don't think she wants
Move, eat, move, sleep, move
Did you know you can be miserable
Without wanting anything?

She is, I think
Freeze, move, twitch, move

I don't like her
She makes me anxious
The best way to get away from
her, is, stillness... or something

Pretend to be a rock
Sit, Sit, Sit, Sit

I'm more like a turtle
Plod, Plod, Danger!
Impersonate a rock
Pull everything in

Sit, Sit, Sit, Sit
Until it all goes away

Carry it with you, your shell
That's important
It slows you down, but
Always safe

Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie
Until it all goes away

The rabbit bounces through
Hide under the covers
Like a little boy
Inside a shell

I know someone like a rabbit
I don't like her
She makes me afraid
How does she do that?

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