I wrote this poem. It's about not letting people know the real you. I always love comments and constructive criticism.
Safe In No One's Arms
I never walk with bare feet
because with people it's too real
The sand is too between my toes
And I don't like to feel
If beauty lies
in beholder's eyes
Then only they can make me ugly
In the dark the world is small
Safer too, curled in a ball
I wonder if they would love me?
To know would be too open
To ask has so much danger
To search for love could hurt too much
I'll keep everyone a stranger
I wonder, could you love me?
Could you make me lovely too?
Is there someone, someones, out there,
who could love me like you do?
In the darkness I'm not ugly
In the silence I am safe
You said, "Sister turn the light on,
We will love you, just have faith."
No I have a choice
and I make it day by day
I let the hours slip by slowly
Talking with nothing real to say
Husband, Make Her Shine
1 day ago
I think this is absolutely beautiful! And I've never read something that so closely said how I feel. What were you feeling when you wrote this? Is it a reflection of your own experiences or were you inspired by somebody else?
There have definitely been times in my life when I have felt this way, but I think I wrote this because I felt that it was hard to get close to people I cared about. When I thought about the situation, I felt like this poem expressed the attitude they had towards me, and other people in general.
It is hard to not feel loved, but I think it is worse to have your love rejected.
That's interesting, I hadn't considered it from the perspective of the person seeing from the outside. Thinking about it from that point of view I have to wonder if I've generated these feelings within anyone close to myself. I don't have so much a problem of getting close to someone rather, I conceal many of the things I feel. Somewhat of complex invented to protect myself from getting hurt. Do you know what I mean?
Anyway, I love your blog; you have such wise and interesting things to say. I especially liked what you had to say in "The Nature of Love."
Thanks Alex. I think a lot of us keep people at a distance in order to avoid getting hurt. I think that might be why people keep God at a distance too. People are afraid to be truly known, because they don't want to be found worthless. If no one knows them, they can't be found to be anything, so it's safer.
I think in the end, though, trying to be safe by keeping everyone out withers our soul like a plant without water. We need other people. It's suffocating to do life alone.
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